You’ve Never Been to a Party Like This Before!

The Fuller Building, 45 Pine Grove Avenue, February 18th, 5-8 PM

On February 18, 2023, DRAW. - the art education program of the Kingston Midtown Arts District successfully hosted their inaugural fundraiser, The Great Jell-o Jamboree to support D.R.A.W. Arts classes for all ages and the PUGG Youth Workforce Training program.  Imagine a Jell-o sculpture competition featuring 12 artists with music, dancing, art, food, and lots and lots of wobbly community fun. Guest enjoyed boozy Jell-O cocktails while getting jiggly with DJ Mikey Palms. This unique event included a Jell-O cake walk, photo ops in our photo booth, Jell-O prints made by local artist and samplings of colorful and sometimes Jello-O-filled food and drink creations were on display. It was a one-of-a-kind evening to mingle in a gorgeous space and honor our PUGG interns, Jell-O artists, and the teaching artists and students that make up the D.R.A.W. community.  

Risograph by Aurora Brush at Cosmic Dog House Press


  • DJ Mikey Palms